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How To Conjugate Present Tense Subjunctive Verbs In Spanish

Updated: Jun 10, 2021

Are you confused about present tense subjunctive verb conjugations in Spanish? They can be frustrating, so we'll break down the basics for you below. Read on to learn how to conjugate ar, er, and ir verbs in the present tense subjunctive.

It is a lot easier to conjugate present subjunctive verbs in Spanish when you understand how to conjugate verbs in the present indicative first. If you don't know how to do this, head over to this article on our website for the basics.

For starters, the present subjunctive in Spanish has two different endings. When you have an ar verb, all you need to do is change the "a" to an "e" and add the remaining letters of the conjugation. If you have an "er" verb or an "ir" verb, all you need to do is change the "e" or the "i" to an "a" and add the remaining letters of the conjugation. Let's look at some examples below.

"Hablar" is a verb in Spanish ending in ar meaning "to talk" or "to speak". The verb endings change according to the type of conjugation, so present tense subjunctive conjugations for hablar are as follows:

Yo hable.

Tú hables.

Él hable.

Ella hable.

Usted hable.

Nosotros hablemos.

Nosotras hablemos.

Ellos hablen.

Ellas hablen.

Ustedes hablen.

Let's look at a verb ending in er.

"Comer" is a verb in Spanish meaning "to eat". It ends in "er". The present tense subjunctive conjugations for comer are as follows:

Yo coma.

Tú comas.

Él coma.

Ella coma.

Usted coma.

Nosotros comamos.

Nosotras comamos.

Ellos coman.

Ellas coman.

Ustedes coman.

Now let's look at an "ir" verb.

"Decir" is a verb in Spanish meaning "to say" or "to tell". The subjunctive conjugations are as follows:

Yo diga.

Tù digas.

Él diga.

Ella diga.

Usted diga.

Nosotros digamos.

Nosotras digamos.

Ellos digan.

Ellas digan.

Ustedes digan.

It can be exhausting and even stressful learning how to conjugate verbs, but it is imperative that we learn how to conjugate.

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