As the cost of education around the globe continues to rise, we strive to create and publish quality content that the world can learn from. In the 21st century, nobody on the planet should have to worry about lack of accessibility, which is exactly why we’ve created World Linguistics TV. Our YouTube channel was originally created with accessibility in mind. All of our videos are published with subtitles to make them accessible to the deaf and hard of hearing. Our mission is to make our content as accessible as possible so that every human being can have access to language education.
In addition to our YouTube channel, we’ve also incorporated all of our main content onto our website, which is accessible to anyone who doesn’t use YouTube.
Our content is ubiquitous, which is exactly what makes it so accessible.
We’re committed to building a platform that’s centered around ethical change, and that serves the needs of our viewers. Viewers can contact us at any time if there’s anything specific you would like to see on our platform. Send us an email at